We Help Organizations to Amplify Innovation

What we do

Track and respond to emerging issues & technologies more effectively.

Track What’s Next

Meet the challenges of an increasingly dynamic world with world-class foresight tools and expertise.

Discover New Ideas

Leverage a network of experts from diverse industries around the world to drive genuinely open innovation.

Deliver Training & Events

Spread forward-thinking across your organization with training and workshops.

How we do it

Knowledge work is on the threshold of reinvention. Our Network Intelligence Platform finds and coordinates the right team, from amongst hundreds of verified experts, to find insights that others overlook.

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Similar to the conductor of a world-class symphony, Rethinkery uses proprietary software to integrate the insights from our diverse global expert network into a bigger picture - unlocking innovation by rigorously challenging ingrained legacy assumptions. Rethinkery makes sense out of emerging trends and discontinuities, and sharpens the organizational innovation necessary to effectively respond.

What our clients say

Why now?

Periods of rapid change bring great risks and great opportunities.

There is an emerging consensus that we are entering a transformational period that will be defined by increased volatility and unfamiliar challenges.

Most organizations are good at solving problems they have already faced, but are less effective at navigating those they have not yet encountered.

Inability to respond to non-linear change can significantly damage or sink an organization. However, dynamic environments also open new opportunities.

Our approaches help leaders and innovators avoid hazards, find opportunities, and chart new paths through the territory ahead.

Why we exist

Rethinkery supports leaders and innovators working to navigate disruptive change.

The automation of work. The sustainability crisis. The rise of a digital coordination economy. The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

To many leaders, it has become clear that our organizations are entering a period of great uncertainty. Yet, the approaches we continue to rely on are inadequate when the territory is unfamiliar. As the saying goes, generals are always fighting the last war.

Worse, there is little solid analysis of these new territories and their implications. What does exist reflects the perspective of only a few, and tends to favor hype over rigorous investigation. This is inadequate if we want to reveal new paths forward.

After more than fifteen years exploring emerging issues and technologies for dozens of large companies and government agencies, I realized what they really need is a way to systematically stress-test assumptions and reveal new framings that provide insight into our dynamic operating environment.

Rethinkery was founded to address this gap. Our Network Intelligence Platform leverages human computation to tap into the diverse viewpoints of hundreds of verified experts around the world. We challenge what organizations think they know about the unfamiliar territory ahead and provide new ways of thinking that lead organizations toward increased resilience and opportunity.

Devin Fidler

CEO, Rethinkery


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